Science Form 2: Chapter 3 Nutrition
3.1 Classes of Food
-Classes of Food 1) Carbohydrate - C, H, O 2) Protein –C, H, O, N 3) Fat –C, H, O 4) Vitamin -Type, source, importance and effects of vitamin deficiency 5) Mineral 6) Fibre/ roughage 7) Water: -H, O -Food test
3.2 Importance of a Balanced Diet
-Food pyramid -Factors that Influence Calorific Requirement -Calorific Value of Food -Energy requirements of different individuals: -Ex: Diet plan for a boy who needs 8500 kJ -Amount of energy found in various types of food -Planning a Balanced Diet -The Importance of Maintaining Health. -The importance of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle -Healthy living practices
3.3 Human Digestive System
-What happens in our body after we eat? -The Structure of the Human Digestive System -What happens when food passes through each organ in the digestive tract? -Final product of digestion -Transportation of digested food to the whole body
3.4Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested Food and Defecation -Structure of villus and absorption of digested food in the small intestine -Process of Transporting the Products of Digestion -Processes involved in the assimilation of digested food 3.5 Water reabsorption and defecation process -Reabsorption of water -Defaecation -Healthy eating habits
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